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Bitcoin Clock Speaker

A simple application that monitors the movement of the BTC value for you (even if it runs in the background) and reports changes in the current exchange rate audibly (Text-to-Speech)..

The basic parameters for reporting the development of BTC are its set minimum and maximum, source and currency. If the BTC value is in this range, the movement of the BTC price development is displayed graphically in the form of an arrow on the right side of the display, the interval of reading the values is also an optional parameter. The scope and form of the reported changes is defined in the main menu for parameters starting with the word Report, and you can also adjust specific phrases to your image under the Phrase settings option. Color, sound and displayed symbols are part of the submenu.

Main screen

The surface consists of a black background to save the display and battery. The dominant character is the current BTC value. This display can be changed both in terms of content - you can select in which currency the BTC value is displayed and also from what source the current BTC rate draws, and in terms of graphics, resp. color in the second menu under the Color option.

Limits for reporting a change in the BTC value can be set both via the menu by entering a specific value and using the quick graphic buttons +100 and -100, which are separately for the upper limit (green in the upper right part of the display) and for the lower limit (lower right part display)



Main (left) menu ( on the top left corner)

Full screen     - the application runs in full screen

Wake lock    - the application is not subject to falling asleep resp. turn off screen when idle. This is used if the device serves as a "wall" clock. Recommended if the device is powered on or temporarily.


Report positive changes    - reports if the BTC value exceeds the upper limit of the limit you set. The first light is for the sound signal (beep) the second light is for the voice phrase. Therefore, you can have the change announced only by a beep (ascending sound), or by a voice saying of the selected phrase (set to "Rising to ..." by default) or a combination of both.

Repot any changes    - when the display touches the BTC value, the voice overwrites the current value

Report negatives changes     - reports if the BTC value falls below the minimum limit you define. The first light is for the audible signal (beep) the second light is for the voice phrase. Therefore, you can have the change announced only by a beep (descending sound), or by voice saying of the selected phrase (set to "Descending to ..." by default) or a combination of both.

Sentences settings - with this option you can define which phrases it will play when the application changes. You can have any text, as well as correct for all of them, whether their recitation is on or off. Touch the arrow at the end of each phrase to say the text so you can hear what's playing right away.


Interval for get values (s)    - time interval (frequency) when the current BTC value is determined according to the selected source; reported in seconds (s)

Highest value - The maximum is the upper limit at which the application will report a positive change, ie an increase in the value of BTC. The value can either be overwritten using the numeric keypad that appears when you touch the value or using the arrows and edges of that value.

Lowest value - Minimum - is the lower limit, when exceeded downwards, the application will report a negative change, ie a decrease in the value of BTC. The value can either be overwritten using the numeric keypad that appears when you touch the value or using the arrows and edges of that value.

The amount of these values is automatically recalculated after changing the type (source) of the BTC value display (in relation to other currencies). However, these values can also be changed using the speed dial in the main menu of the screen (after touching the display on the black area) for the upper limit in the upper right (green text +100 -100) for the minimum limit in the lower right (red text +100 and - 100)

Last value     - display of the last detected BTC value, if restat min. and max. values, then this value is also reset. After setting the new limits, the amount is displayed again in the first setting of the interval for determining the value. 

Reset positive & negative value  - option that resets the above limits, resp. substitutes zero. According to the timer, either zero is added, at the moment of loading the current BTC exchange rate, its value is added to the "Last value" option and then the same amount is added to both the minimum (lowest amount) and maximum (highest amount) - description above.


Source    - selection of the currency in which the BTC value is displayed (CZK, Euros, Dollars, Dollars, other cryptocurrencies DOGE or Ethereum) and at the same time the source from which the value is read (Binance, CoinBase or CoinGecko). Each time you select from these options, the value is read and then the value and currency display on the home screen changes.

Spustit na pozadí - the application is still running, BTC movements are still evaluated and a message is issued (if audio is enabled), but the screen is cleared for other applications or the start page.

Ukončit    - close the application.




Secondary (right) menu  (by selecting it in the main menu header using the arrow or from the main screen by swiping the right edge of the display)

This menu has a secondary function and the parameters selectable here relate to the visual form of this application and the settings of the TTS engine (voice). In the form of simple candles, you can turn on and off the display, limits, symbol, sources, messages, change color.


Info banner    -     basic info about the last BTC load, the version (number and date) of this application and the OS version. The display of this banner in the basic screen can be both turned off and on, while the graphic form (color, transparent, animation) can be changed.

Show H/L labels    - turns off or on the display of limit values in the start screen (max - top right, min - bottom right)

Show coin     - turns the BTC symbol on or off on the home screen

Show currency     - turns off or on the symbol of the currency against which the BTC value is displayed on the initial screen

Show spoken text    - turns off or on the display of spoken text (messages) defined in the main menu

Show indicator    - turns on or off the display of the indicator in the form of an arrow on the right edge of the screen, which uses animation to show the rise or fall of the price

Show source    - turns on or off the display of the source from which the BTC value is drawn (CoinBase or Binance)

Visual animation -

Color    - Option to select a color to display the currency and BTC value in the home screen

TTS Engine - possibility to select voice output. The application depends on the already installed TTS engines, which also need to be configured correctly; we recommend the best verified "" provided by google for free as part of the system.

Purchase "no ads"    - Option to exempt this app from all ads for a minimal fee. Invokes Google Play.

About    - info about the current version (number) and about the provider (contact)

Run in background - the application is still running, BTC movements are still evaluated and a message is issued (if audio is enabled), but the screen is cleared for other applications or the start page.

Exit    - close application.

Translation files

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